Roof Ice Removal in East BethelIn East Bethel, MN, we’ve all lived our fair share of Disney’s Frozen. We see those beautiful icicles hanging from our roof eaves and windows. However, no one should be accepting them as part of Elsa’s glamorous castle. Instead, we should recognize them as a dangerous issue that needs immediate attention. If your home’s roof is looking more like a scene from Frozen, then it’s time you call your roof ice removal experts in East Bethel, Refuge Roofing & Siding.

Why is Roof Ice Removal Important?

Unlike Disney movies, when the snow thaws it doesn’t mean that the weather is done. In East Bethel, we will frequently have snow fall, melt and then refreeze again. When this process happens on our roofs, serious damage can begin to form. Ice dams are created and ultimately prevent the melting snow from properly draining off of your roof. This can cause major water damage to your home as well as structural issues due to the heavy weight on your roof. Roof ice removal in East Bethel is essential in order to prevent this from happening.

Your Roof Ice Removal Experts in East Bethel

At Refuge Roofing & Siding, we understand the safety risks involved in ice dam removal. Falling icicles, slippery work areas and obvious height issues make even the savviest DIY homeowner want to call a professional. At Refuge Roofing & Siding, our skilled contractors are well versed and experienced in roof ice removal. We use a low-pressure steamer to remove the ice dam build up. This way we avoid any potential damage to your shingles and keep everyone safe. Our steams are based on high temperatures and low pressure to remove the ice. Our roof ice removal specialists are trained and knowledgeable about the entire process from start to finish. Once we have cleared the immediate issue, we will then go a step further in preventing this from happening again. We will perform a free evaluation of your home and attic space to ensure that the proper amount of ventilation and insulation is installed and working well.

Roof ice removal in East Bethel does not have to be dangerous. If you notice an ice dam on your roof, it’s important that you go ahead and give our experts a call today. For all of your roof ice removal needs in East Bethel, MN, give Refuge Roofing & Siding a call today at (651) PRO-ROOF.